Its along time since l was last here, been busyish but not as usual side-tracked. Have'nt made any xmas cards for ages, made one or two others though and l'm doing some sewing. Also been having ago at Altered Books, made abit of a mess with the first one but will keep going with it just to practise. l want to make an album when l know what l'm doing.
Also about to try and make 2 chinese outfits, must get going on that they are needed for Dec.
The garden is looking abit more respectable, still needs alot of weeding done though.
The grandchilren are still magical, and growing fast, nearly 2 yrs and nearly 18mths:o)
l've been putting together a package for my 2 young nephews in America, for halloween, they are both autistic and l know they will love it. Their dad is very arty so he'll help them make cards and/or posters, just need an ink pad now.
Thats it for now
jude :o) x